Massachusetts Maple Syrup From a Small Family Farm

The best maple syrup. Ever.

And we’re humble, too.


What We Do

We produce maple syrup from the trees right here in central Massachusetts. Yes, that’s me drinking coffee in the sugar bush while Joe is working.

Read more.

Come meet Joe and I (and get syrup) during the Hardwick Fair in August, or buy at local stores around town all year. Oh, and we ship, too!

The farm is open every Sunday in March from 11-4 pm except on Easter. Come see how syrup is made. Use the syrup to make these great recipes.

Our Farm in Numbers


Years Making Syrup


Wooded Acres


Home on the Farm


Raving Fans

Why You’ll Love Us

Joe is crazy about maple syrup…and rather a snob about the taste. It has to be just so to make it into your hands. He holds the high standards so you can just rest, knowing you’re getting the best.

  • Yummy
  • Local
  • Sustainable
  • Seasonal
  • Year-round delivery

“Delicious maple syrup!!!”


“Love it.”


“Super good. Wow!”


News on the Farm